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'Shop Local': Montclair Storeowners Contribute to MHS Students

On Saturday May 14 eleven stores in Upper Montclair promised a share of their profits for that day to go directly toward tuition for MHS college bound students with financial need.

Click on the logos, below, for links to these wonderful caring businesses. Montclairians came out to have a beer, have lunch, buy flowers, have a Chill spa treatment, buy an outfit, some shoes, cool artistic furniture and have a wonderful day supporting out local retailers, while helping reduce the enormous debt for these amazing young students!

Bravo to these businesses who care about our community and helping reduce the debt of these stellar students with financial need! Thank you again to owners Holly Felber, Colleen Dunn, Roz Connolly, Moni Walia, Jane De Palma, Colleen Kelly-Whitcomb (Manager), Meny Vaknin & Dan, Carla & Marcello Silva, Ramel Ramnarine, Leo & Denise Sawadogo and Camille and Brooke Kessler.



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