C.Y. Treene (President Emerita 2012 - Present, President 1992 - 2012, Board Trustee 1988 - 2012)

Cynthia Mann Treene is a lifelong resident of Montclair. She married her high school sweetheart, Bill Treene, and raised three sons. C.Y., as she is known, has spent most of her time as a volunteer, starting as a teacher's aide, long before the term was in use in the Montclair school system, and eventually becoming involved with the PTA Council and the town school review committee.
As her children left home, she became involved with Mountainside Hospital, the League of Women Voters, the Garden Club, and the writer of a portion of the 125th anniversary book. She also spent nearly 30 years as a trustee of what has become the Montclair Scholarship Fund.
Carol Brown (Board Trustee 1976 - 2012)

Carol Brown has lived in Montclair for over fifty years, has volunteered in many arenas and has been an integral part of many local boards: the Civil Rights' Commission, the United Way Family and Children's Services, and the Montclair Educational Fund (now the Montclair Scholarship Fund). She served many years as Calendar Editor of May in Montclair; as President of the Young Women's Christian Association and of its Trustees; and continues to serve as Treasurer of the Dr. Martin Luther King Scholarship Fund of Montclair Township.
In the late fifties and sixties, Carol worked as a teacher in the Englewood and Montclair school systems. Later, as a stay-at-home mom, she served as PTA President at Nishuane and Mount Hebron schools. While volunteering in PTA, Carol formed a group of local mothers who researched and wrote the catalyst guide for integration in the Montclair School District. The Mothers' Plan was adopted and modified and is now known as The Magnet Plan.
Carol has received many awards, recently as a Founding Trustee of HomeCorp, Inc. She was selected Montclair's Humanitarian Woman of the Year in 1996 and Church Women United of the Oranges' Valiant Woman in 1994.
Carol and her husband, Frederick, have three sons: Mark, Treg and Christopher; three daughters-in-law: Pamela, Tess and Candace and four grandchildren, Alexandra, Zachary, Morgen and Charlotte.
Carolyn Burton (Board Trustee 1997 - 2013)

Carolyn Burton resided in Montclair for 38 years. During that time she was an active member of the Montclair school community, recently concluding17 years as a trustee for the Montclair Scholarship Fund. Her school involvement included Northeast PTA co-president, class parent and library volunteer; she then became co- president of Mt.Hebron PTA and organizer of the first in-school graduation celebration. At Montclair High School, she was co-president of both Girls and Boys Soccer Booster Clubs and co- chairperson of Montclair High School Project Graduation.
As school district representative and board member of the “Friends of Barnet” Carolyn set up a student exchange program between Montclair and Barnet. Thirty high school students were chosen to make this exciting trip the first of many such exchanges.
Other volunteer activities include Montclair Public Library, chairperson for volunteers; American Red Cross; board member and horticultural chairperson of the Brookdale Park Conservancy. For seventeen years Carolyn was co-owner of Perennial Gardeners, a garden design company installing many gardens in the Montclair area including the Montclair High School Amphitheater.
Carolyn was born and educated in England and lived in Montclair with her husband Ron where they raised their son, Christopher and daughter, Alison.