For every $1,000 in tuition increase, enrollment among low income students drops 5 percent."
The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education
The New York Times, March 24, 2017
Montclair Scholarship Fund, Inc. (MSF), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, awards scholarships to college and trade school bound Montclair High School seniors with financial need.
Established in 1957 by the Montclair Board of Education to receive and administer private gifts to the public school system, MSF also administers several longstanding scholarships that are awarded by Montclair High School faculty and others.
MSF has no staff but is instead run by a volunteer board of trustees and three ex officio members of the Montclair Public School System: the President of the Board of Education, the Principal of Montclair High School, and the Superintendent of the Montclair Public Schools.